Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses with Solved Questions, 1/Ed.

Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses with Solved Questions, 1/Ed.
ISBN: 9789374735695
Year: 2025
Pages: 288
Publisher : AITBS Publishers, INDIA
र 395.00


‘Anatomy & Physiology for Nurses with Solved Questions’ is a unique textbook of anatomy and physiology for students of Nursing. The book is written in a very simple language which will help the students to understand the concept of anatomy and physiology at ease. Students always feel anatomy and physiology as a tough subject to learn in their first year of the curriculum. This book will make learning easier and by including a pool of objective type questions will help the students to score good marks in their examinations. The textbook explains the subject matter in simple language and is complemented by suitable and relevant figures. There are a total of 12 units as per the syllabus and each unit maintains a basic structure like:

•  The unit outline that outlines the topics and sub-topics of that particular unit.

•  The structure and functions of the organs of the particular body system.

•  The sample questions including multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, true or false, match the following, short answer questions and long essay questions.

•  The answers of sample questions. Salient Features of the Book

•  Provides clear and concise information about the concepts in anatomy and physiology.

•  Written in a simple and easy to understand language that makes it very user friendly.

•  More than 1500 sample questions included at the end of the units.

•  One single book serving the purpose of a textbook and a question bank.

•  Essential and useful companion for students and teachers.

•  Helps teachers in question paper setting.

•  Helps to prepares students for their examinations including competitive examinations.

•  Makes learning anatomy and physiology easier.

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