Darkroom and Image Processing In Diagnostic Radiology

Darkroom and Image Processing In Diagnostic Radiology
Author : Yogesh Kumar
ISBN: 9789374736678
Edition: 2nd Edition
Year: 2025
र 365.00
र 365.00


The objective of this book is to provide basic to in depth knowledge of essential Darkroom techniques to the readers. This book written to keep in mind the needs of radiology students to help students score high in examinations. The simplicity of language makes it easy to understand. It covers all major areas of Darkroom & image processing while being focused towards examinations. This book will surely be highly beneficial to all radiological students and practitioner responsible for maintaining and handling the Darkroom equipment’s.

Salient Features of the Book

  • The entire text has been thoroughly revised and updated with incorporation of new relevant information from national and international resources.
  • More than 50 reference images and 250 MCQ’s with reference answer have been added to the textbook. This will help students in understanding a better of the subject.
  • The International and National recommendations, guidelines and reports for Darkroom Safety, Rules and Quality Control have been added to it such as WHO.

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