Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence

Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence
Author : SD PANDEY
ISBN: 9789374737286
Edition: 1st Edition
Year: 2023
Pages: 384
Publisher : AITBS Publishers, INDIA
र 295.00
र 295.00


The textbook based on Pharmacy Council of India, Regulated Syllabus (Revised-2019) for third year B. Pharmacy (Semester- V). It includes the important topics that a pharmacy student must know related to basic Indian Pharmaceutical Laws and Ethics to be followed as a pharmacist in future. The book will surely be beneficial to the pharmacy students as well as teachers. Readers will get a brief idea related to various regulatory authorities, agencies governing the manufacturing, sale and distribution of pharmaceuticals in India. This book will also be useful for other students of Medical and Paramedical Science. The textbook covers:

  • The Pharmaceutical legislations.
  • Various Indian pharmaceutical Acts and Laws.
  • The regulatory authorities and agencies governing pharmaceuticals.
  • The code of ethics during the pharmaceutical practice.


  • Complete topic has been organized in an orderly way in each unit.
  • Important definitions covered in the beginning of the units.
  • Tabular presentation where ever required.
  • Precise and updated information on various pharmaceutical laws and committees.
  • Presents information in a concise, point-wise format in simple understandable language.

Offences and penalties are described in simple way.

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