SOCIAL PHARMACY [Exclusively Prepared for D.Pharm First Year Students (PCI ER 2020)]

SOCIAL PHARMACY [Exclusively Prepared for D.Pharm First Year Students (PCI ER 2020)]
Author : N. KUMAR
ISBN: 9789374737507
Edition: 1st Edition
Year: 2023
Pages: 352
Size: 5.5 × 8.5 (Inches)
Publisher : AITBS Publishers, INDIA
र 299.00
र 299.00


Social Pharmacy is the multidisciplinary field of education and research that focuses on the role, provision, regulation and use of medicines in society. The scope is broad, covering the social, psycho-social, economic, and organizational aspects of medicines.

Social pharmacy enables the pharmacy profession to act and take responsibility in its full scope with the problems of pharmacy and medicines in society. What is the most appropriate treatment of an illness, in a cost effective way and with a safe medicine?

Role of pharmacists; Early detection & prompt referral for treatment by; Identifying symptomatic cases, Referring to diagnostic centers, Drug Distribution Centers (DDC), Fever Treatment Depots (FTDs), etc. Ensuring rational use of prescribed medicines, Sensitizing people about various vector control measures.


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