Physical Pharmaceutics-II

Physical Pharmaceutics-II
Author : SHEEBA FR
ISBN: 9789374737378
Edition: 1st Edition
Year: 2023
Pages: 224
Size: 5.5 × 8.5 (Inches)
Publisher : AITBS Publishers, INDIA
र 249.00
र 249.00


The objective of this book is to present the basic principles of physical pharmaceutics for the undergraduate pharmacy curriculum. The material presented in this book is simplified to give the reader a clear and complete understanding of the subject manner. An attempt has been made to keep these concepts brief and direct; clear and complete. Whenever possible, each topic is well illustrated by giving examples and for the mathematical subjects, one example in the form of a solved problem. The evolution of this book is a result of many years of teaching this subject to the undergraduate and graduate students.


  • The book covers all the topics of Physical Pharmaceutics – II which is the part of curriculum for all IV Semester B. Pharma course prescribed by Pharmacy Council of India.
  • Language of the book is lucid and simple.
  • Review questions have been provided for every topic
  • Simple language and good illustrations

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