General Psychology and Psychiatry for Nurses

General Psychology and Psychiatry for Nurses
Author : ANUJEET
ISBN: 9788174734549
Edition: Second Edition
Year: 2023
Pages: 256
Publisher : AITBS Publishers, INDIA
र 249.00


With the help of various psychological principles and theories, “General Psychology and Psychiatry for Nurses” will help the students to understand the idea of psychology and psychiatry rightly. The major purpose of this book is to provide an understanding into the nature, status and diagnosis of various mental diseases. In this book concept of psychiatry is define and described in such a way as to bring it closer to the general psychology. Throughout the book, Author has tried to confer a variety of facts and principles. Her efforts would be fertile if the textbook would be praiseworthy of acceptance by students, teachers and above all by the common mass.

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