Biochemistry for Nurses

Biochemistry for Nurses
Author : D.C. SHARMA
ISBN: 9789374734735
Edition: 1st revised edition
Year: 2025
Pages: 416
Publisher : AITBS Publishers, INDIA
र 349.00


Now-a-days, Biochemistry is a core subject, the understanding of which is essential for learning of other branches of Medicine. This book is written in simple and easy language as per syllabus of Nursing Council of India and is profusely illustrated which makes its reading a pleasure.

Salient Features of the Book:

•  Simple language

•  Easy to comprehend

•  Minimum use of chemical formulae

•  Summary of whole course in 100 paragraphs

•  Special chapter on sample collection

•  Wherever applicable medical significance of biochemical facts has been given

•  Equally good for BPT and B.Pharma students

•  Also useful for Nurses especially chapters 11-13, 22-27 and 29-32.

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